
We have unique access to proprietary and actionable opportunities from our direct relationships with founders and management teams who value our partnership approach and strategic capital markets insights.

Our Investment Criteria

Financial Criteria

✔ Proven and Repeatable Revenue Model

✔ Attractive and Growing Gross Margins

✔ Profitable Unit Economics

✔ EBITDA or Near-Term Path to Operating Income

✔ Low Capital Intensity with High ROE

✔ Defensible Valuation with Reasonable Public Comps

Qualitative Criteria

✔ Public Ready

✔ Category Winner

✔ Business Model Moats

✔ Platform Effects

✔ Dynamic, Charismatic, Management that Aspires to be Public

✔ Demonstrable Need for Public Listing

✔ Reputable Investor Base with Insider Support for SPAC